Something in My Squash!?



Hey everyone. I have been gardening off and on over the past several seasons. I am no seasoned gardener, but I know a thing or two. I really enjoy learning sustainable and environmental ways to improve my garden and my overall health through what I grow.

I have grown summer squash and a few other varieties for a few seasons now. In the past I was only growing them in Kentucky. In Kentucky I wold face a number of predatory insects. I was able to take care of most of them including aphids, cucumber beetles, and the potato beetle. I never had the problem which I am now facing.

I do not know what is destroying my squash crop, but they have been going at it for some time now. I have been doing some research and can not seem to narrow it down. The plants themselves look decent. I mean they are fighting a very stong sun which could be causing the damage. There could also be an insect which is attacking the plant, but I have not found any evidence of this. I can tell they are fighting, but it is the fruit which is my concern.

The fruit is not harvestable. From a very size, whatever it is attacks the fruit and begins destroying it. They burrow inside through the middle of the fruit and begin eating from the inside out. I cracked open one of the medium size squash and I found what seemed to be maggots. It is possible that there is a worm which is laying eggs inside the squash, which then hatch and eat the squash, but I do not know.

At this point I do not know what to do. If there are any experienced gardeners or just someone with a suggestion, please reply with a comment and I would gladly take any words of knowledge or inspiration!

Thank you all,

